Ten Tiny Toes

Ten Tiny Toes

$ 8.99

Caroline Jayne Church brings her adorable toddler art and lovely rhymes to this joyful twist on the tried-and-true classic, HEAD, SHOULDERS, KNEES, AND TOES. From ears that wiggle to bellies that giggle, TEN TINY TOES is sure to inspire little ones as they learn to celebrate their "mouth, ears, eyes, nose, and a love that grows and grows."

Book Details

  • Author: Caroline Jayne Church
  • Illustrator: Caroline Jayne Church
  • Publisher: Cartwheel Books
  • Series: Caroline Jayne Church
  • Type: Board
  • Licences: Scholastic

Book Specifications

  • Language: English
  • Publish Date: 1/7/2014
  • Pages: 22
  • Trim: 6-3/4 x 8 (in inches)
  • Grade Level: Baby to Kindergarten
  • Age Level: 0 to 3
  • ISBN: 9780545536011

Developmental Areas

Reading will help develop in these areas:

  • Communicative Skills
  • Cognitive Skills
  • Social and Emotional Skills

Get Ten Tiny Toes today!

Product Ten Tiny Toes
Manufacturer Scholastic
Publisher Cartwheel Books
Series Caroline Jayne Church
Author Church, Caroline Jayne