Schleich Farm World - It’s a Wonderful Life

Schleich Farm World is perhaps the very height of farm life. We don’t mean they resemble real farm life. Any actual farmer could tell you this is way too idyllic to be realistic.

Instead, Schleich Farm World allows your child (inner and outer) to see farm life the way it is in the dreams of a child. They have created an enchanting version of real life. By cutting out the unpleasant parts but keeping true to all the important elements, Schleich has made something very special for your child to play with.

Schleich Farm World allows your child to play the part of a farmer. Thanks to the wonderful farm world playsets and highly detailed barns, they get to delve into it in ways you can’t with other toys. They can have a few cows, some horses and chickens, sheep and sheepdogs. They can play at being real rodeo cowboys-or girls-or farming rabbits and miniature pigs.

The ever-changing collection of farm animals available through Schleich never gets boring. With playsets and individual figures like the ones Schleich produces for this line of toys, your little one is introduced to a breathtaking array of farm animals both rare and commonplace. There’s no such thing as a bored child with Schleich toys around.

A History of The Schleich Farm World

No one is sure the exact date Schleich began producing farm animals. We can say that they had many farm animals among their earliest toys, although at the time they were not known as farm world toys. The date they decided to brand the line and get all those great farm toys sorted out into it? Also a mystery.

What we do know is that they have produced some of our favorite farm animals. We won’t go back to the 1940s when they first started making toys. Why not? Because they have made so many toys at this point, it would take a book to talk about them all!

We love some the amazing Schleich horse farm sets and horse toys. Schleich horses are some of the most popular from the brand. Also be sure to disover their horse sets as well.

Instead, let’s just reflect on the past five years. In 2015, Schleich Farm World did not see that much action. Schleich was more focused on some of their other brands at the time. They did, however, give us several cats and dogs and even some adorable pigs.

Schleich Farm World 2016 saw a slightly better selection of new toys for the barnyard. Sure, there were more cats and dogs. However, there were so many other toys too! We got new playsets that year and all sorts of cows. Our personal favorite was the roping cowboy, but that might just be the little boy in us.

Things were still going slow in 2017, but by 2018 things picked up in a big way. We suddenly got new horses and rabbits. There were cows and cowgirls. We finally got the chickens we had been needing—nothing says authentic farm like a small flock of chickens!

The very best part of 2018 was the new farm world playsets. The Western Riding Set was great. We loved the Birthday Picnic Set too. The set we loved the most, however, was the Adventure Tree House! That set was so great it was fun as a parent just to sit and stare at it. We dare you to look and not find yourself thinking back to your childhood.

By 2019, Schleich Farm World saw new heights. We saw the addition of so many baby animals that year! Baby cows, baby horses—and cats and dogs to help keep them safe.

In 2020, our Schleich Farm World has continued to grow. We got all kinds of new horses, cats, and dogs. They added a few more Schleich Farm World playsets. We even got to see some rare animals with the addition of the Black Forest horses.

Creating the Perfect Farm

You might find yourself asking how in the world Schleich can produce so many fantastic farm animals. When I was a child, it would never have occurred to me that there could be so many different types of cows. Then again, as an adult, it never occurred to me to wonder how many there might be.

Fun Fact: There are over 1,000 different kinds of cows in the world!

The people at Schleich conduct careful research. They don’t just look at farms here in America, although the farm world playsets and figures they offer are the most popular sets in this country. Instead, they collect information about farms all over the world. That is the reason you can find so many rare farm animals in the Schleich Farm World. In other countries, these horses and cows are just as common as the classic Holstein is in the US.

How do they make these great figures? Well, we go over that in-depth in a great article called ‘How Toys Are Made by Schleich.’ If you haven’t read it yet, you should check it out. There’s a lot more involved in the creation of one of these figures than most people would ever dream and reading about it will give you a greater appreciation for how perfectly modeled they are.

There’s a lot to love about the Schleich Farm World brand. To an adult, horses and cows, sheep and pigs, chickens and rabbits, may all seem like a silly thing to get excited about. However, in the eyes of a child, farm life is about more than just the sum of its parts. For a child, Schleich Farm World is a magical place full of wonder.