Magical stories unfold with the Fairy Unicorn Carry Case. This take-along case contains many mystical adventures for the fairy friend. The two colorful fairies explore the near by enchanted forest with their unicorn companion. They spot a majestic dragonfly along the path. When playtime is over, pack all the pieces inside the case for easy storage and travel fun. Playset includes an adult fairy, child fairy, unicorn, dragonfly, flowering tree, basket, brush, and other accessories. Recommended for ages four to ten years. Warning. Choking Hazard. Small parts. Not for children under 3 years.
PLAYMOBIL Carry Case Fairy Unicorn Carry Case (70529) Specifications
- Manufacturer: PLAYMOBIL
- Product Type: PLAYMOBIL
- Pieces: 39
- Recommended Minimum Age: 4 Years
- Recommended Maximum Age: 100 Years
- Weight: 0.88 lbs
- UPC/EAN: 4008789705297
- MPN: 70529
- Safety Information: Warning. Not intended for children under the age of 3. May contain small parts, balls, or other items dangerous to young children. May be harmful if swallowed.
Get your PLAYMOBIL Carry Case Fairy Unicorn Carry Case (70529) today at Maziply Toys!